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Hitachi Solutions Europe


Education Partners

Education Partners

The pursuit of partnerships and collaborative relationships in education has been a cornerstone of our company philosophy and policy. Our goal is to combine resources together to advance education and increase the pedagogical value of our products.

Cambridge Hitachi

Education Partners

Founded in 2003, Cambridge-Hitachi is a joint venture between Cambridge University Press and Hitachi Solutions. The company combines Cambridge’s expertise in publishing high-quality educational resources and Hitachi’s innovative technology to produce award-winning software designed to support whole-class teaching on interactive whiteboards for primary and secondary school teachers.

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Encyclopaedia Britannica

Hitachi Software Engineering and Encyclopaedia Britannica have collaborated to offer Hitachi customers a FREE trial access to Britannica Online School Edition.

Encyclopaedia Britannica is a leader in reference and education publishing since 1768 and has also been a pioneer in electronic publishing since the early 1980s.