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Hitachi Solutions Europe


With Hitachi products you can communicate to all the services involved in an emergency quickly and with the highest quality information. This enables everyone to gain a full understanding of the situation with minimal time and effort. For example, for a fire or chemical leak, project a map onto the DuoBoard and handwrite an exclusion zone onto it! Save the information with your annotations and mail to all relevant parties.

FX DuoBoard

In an emergency situaion, you rely on your equipment performing reliably, accurately and easily. The DuoBoard is used by police forces, fire brigades, ambulance services, hospitals, military units and government departments worldwide.
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Interactive Panels

The StarBoard T17-SXL and T19-WX are compact, interactive LCD display units complete with the StarBoard suite of presenation and collaboration tools. The The panels give exceptional clarity to presentations, meetings and training sessions. Each panel comes complete with the StarBoard suite of professional presenation and collaboration tools.
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VerdICT Plus

VerdICT Plus is an interactitve response system that enables you to test or gauge audience response. Pre-customised questions can be used, or new ones created during a session, Answers can then be transferredm collected and analysed for further reference. Every VerdICT Plus system now comes compelte with Cens-us a floating interactive toolbar which makes votign isntantly avialable.
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